Beverage Cart Sponsors will have their name and logo prominently displayed on one of two beverage carts and one four-person team for our 18-hole golf scramble at Wooster Country Club, May 19, 2025. Start time to be announced in April.
Team registration includes; one four-person team for an 18-hole golf scramble, cart rental, use of driving range, on course contests, hot dog at the turn, two drink tickets, and a buffet dinner. Mulligans and 50/50 raffle tickets will be available for purchase at check-in the day of the event.
Contact Nikki at 330-263-1713 or events@waynehabitat.org if you have any questions. Logos must be emailed to events@waynehabitat.org by May 2nd, 2025 to guarantee inclusion at your sponsor level.
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